

The Manchurian Candidate
Richard Condon, 1959
Simon & Schuster
311 pp.
ISBN-13: 9780743482974

As compelling and disturbing as when it was first published in the midst of the Cold War, The Manchurian Candidate continues to enthrall readers with its electrifying action and shocking climax.

Sgt. Raymond Shaw is a hero of the first order. He's an ex-prisoner of war who saved the life of his entire outfit, a winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, the stepson of an influential senator...and the perfect assassin. Brainwashed during his time as a P.O.W., he is a "sleeper"—a living weapon to be triggered by a secret signal. He will act without question, no matter what order he is made to carry out.

To stop Shaw and those who now control him, his former commanding officer, Bennett Marco, must uncover the truth behind a twisted conspiracy of torture, betrayal, and power that will lead him to the highest levels of the government—and into the darkest recesses of his own mind. (From the publisher.)