

Discussion Questions

Use our LitLovers Book Club Resources; they can help with discussions for any book:

How to Discuss a Book (helpful discussion tips)
Generic Discussion Questions—Fiction and Nonfiction
Read-Think-Talk (a guided reading chart)

Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Manchurian Candidate

1. Do a little research into "brainwashing." Does the process it actually exist? If so, how does it work, how effective is it?

2. Talk about the role of Condon's mother. In what way is Raymond susceptible psychologically because of his relationship with her? Is her character convincing?

3. What or whom is Condon criticizing? As the New York Times critic says above, Condon is writing "political satire that tries to flay our shibboleths." So...once we figure out what a shibboleth is...what does the critic mean? Where does Condon aim his satirical eye?

4. Does this story have relevance to the 21st century? If so, how? Are you paranoid?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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