

My Seductive Cuba: A Unique Travel Guide
Chen Lizra, 2011
Latidos Productions
328 pp.
ISBN-13: 9780986891007

Enough books have been written about Cuba to fill an entire library, but few take the approach Chen Lizra does with My Seductive Cuba. Deeply personal and always engaging, Lizra—an Israeli-born dancer and entrepreneur now living in Canada—fuses history and politics with her real-life experiences among the people of this often-visited but little-understood island.

The result is a moving portrayal of Cuba on the verge of historic change. Packed with practical information on where to go in Cuba, what to pack and the best ways to get there, My Seductive Cuba also helps readers ferret out persistent opportunists while finding Havana's best reggaeton, flamenco, jazz and salsa clubs. A glossary of Cuban slang and a description of the Santeria religion—along with a vivid chapter titled "Getting Possessed"—makes Lizra's humorous travel guide even more compelling. This is one book you won't want to be without, even if you don't plan on going anywhere!

My Seductive Cuba changes the way we approach travel guides from an index book to a book that people fall in love with even if they are not planning on visiting. In fact any person reading it ends up wanting to visit Cuba if they haven't yet. The book also includes QR codes that lead to online videos and transport you to Cuba through visuals and sounds. If you plan on traveling to Cuba you will arrive knowing the mentality and how to move around.

The website——is full of updates from Cuba always keeping you update on the latest news and serving as an extension of the book and the Cuban lifestyle. (From the author.)