

Discussion Questions
1. What makes Cuba seductive? What did the book teach you about seduction in Cuba?

2. In Cuba people can get possessed by deities and dead spirits? What would you have done instead of Chen when she was asked the most personal questions about her life in front of everyone? How would you have handled it differently?

3. Taking things for granted in life is one of the strongest messages that My Seductive Cuba delivers? Do you take things for granted in your own life? What makes you notice that you do and makes you value what you have again?

4. Chen comes across as adventurous going with the flow and trying things in order to understand the culture better? Can this attitude backfire? Do you find yourself more liberal or conservative in your approach? Have you learned something from her by reading this book?

5. What prevented Chen from running away from Cuba the first time she went? What made her want to run away in the first place? Did it pay off to stay? if you were faced with the same situation, would you have gone back or stayed?

6. Seduction can be quite luring and tempting waking up the desire in us making us want things. Chen handles seduction quite well in Cuba. Do you think that you would have been able to handle it the same or would it have terrified you? Do you ever fear losing control and being manipulated into things you don't want? And how would you react to it if you did?

7. Do you know the Cuban dance styles that Chen talked about in the book? Have you tried the QR codes to watch the videos online? Did their description take you deeper into the culture and if so what have you learned about their norms of behaviours? Do you feel at ease with it or does it make you nervous?

8. A lot of people have misconceptions about food in Cuba. They think that food is horrible. But Chen clearly shows you how great food can be in Cuba if you know how to do it. What did you learn from the food chapter about how Cubans think and behave?

9. How did you like in the 5th section of the book the photos and descriptions that took you into cultural experienced you will run into in Cuba? Did it make you feel closer to the culture? How did it compare to the culture you come from? is it very different? Is it similar?

10. Cuba's history and the embargo tint many people's view of what this little-understood island is all about. The tendency is to think of Cuba as a repressive country with human right violations. Did the book show you a new take on this culture? Did you learn something new? If you did—what was it?
(Questions provided by author.)

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