

Author Bio
Where—New York, New York, USA
Education—B.A., Cornell University; graduate
   work, City University of NewYork
Currently—lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico

A communicator since birth, Judith Fein is a dynamic public speaker, workshop presenter, as well as author of the popular travel memoir, Life Is a Trip: The Transformative Magic of Travel, which focuses on encounters with different cultures and new ways of dealing with life issues. She specializes in off-the-beaten track, culturally-rich destinations and people. She is the co-founder and executive editor of the award-garnering experiential travel blog, Your Life Is a Trip. Fein was a contributor to Rudy Maxa's public radio show, “The Savvy Traveler," for six years. She has been a guest on public radio stations all over the U.S., talking on how to travel deeply, even if your trip is to the next town.

Fein has written for over 100 publications, including the L.A. Times, Boston Globe, Dallas Morning News, Jerusalem Post, and National Geographic Traveler. She also blogs about travel for Psychology Today and the Huffington Post. She has swum with Beluga whales, consulted with a Zulu sangoma in South Africa, eaten porcupine in Vietnam (“not with relish”), and reported on which bugs to eat in Thailand.

Recently, Judith Fein won prestigious Society of American Travel Writers gold awards for the best magazine and newspaper articles of the year. Paul Ross won a Travel Classics award for best article written by a travel journalist. Judith and Paul give acclaimed, humorous, engaging multimedia talks, conduct workshops, and occasionally take the curious with them to exotic locales. (From the author.)

Visit the author's website.