

Book Reviews
As tense as a thriller and as tender as a love story, Judith Fein’s story of her quest to connect the dots of her life will have readers laughing, crying and, most of all, cheering her on.
Catharine Hamm - Los Angeles Times

It's as if Joseph Conrad took his journey up the river into deepest darkest Minkowitz. And the best part: for many of us, this is our story, too.
Danny Rubin, screenwriter, Groundhog Day

Unlike any other back-to-roots book…driven by the author's almost mystical quest to recover the past…Her curiosity, openness and passion take us along on a journey that turns out to be ours as well.
Zelda Shluker - Hadassah Magazine

This is a book for all cultures...Fein is a natural storyteller. There is mystery, history, revelation, laughter and tears in every chapter.
Charmaine Coinbra - Charmaine’s Muse Pallet Blog

A travel writer of the soul...Fein takes us on a journey that calls forth our own inner travels. In her intimate voice that challenges us to explore the hidden landscapes within, we hear how one’s story encourages all stories. Fasten your seatbelt and get ready to discover unexplored territory for her and for you.
Rabbi Malka Drucker, author (White Fire: A Portrait of Women Spiritual Leaders in America)

A primer for travelers on how to get beneath the surface of the place you are visiting. The lovely writing –moving and amusing by turn–pulled me through the story and I was sorry to see it end.
Vera Marie Badertscher - A Traveler's Library Blog

Judith Fein works tidbits of her life and the lives of her family into the larger history of the Jews in the Ukraine—not just the pain and devastation, but also the hope and joy in rebuilding and reconnecting in the now. By the end, she realizes it is not just about Minkowitz; it is about the total experience of the people from whom she came.
Bennett Greenspan, President, Family Tree DNA