

Twinkle:  A Memoir
Angela K. Durden, 2015
218 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781500966638

One, lone double agent in the unrelenting cold war that was her family.

Analyzing strengths and eccentricities of the enemy while offering herself to evil to save a weak mother and younger siblings.

Twinkle is the exceptional telling of an all too common story of one girl’s unrelenting pursuit of survival, her self-sacrifice, and the need to feel God’s love.

Author Bio
Raised—in the states of Georgia and Texas, USA
Currently—lives in Decatur, Georgia

Author of 6 published books. Working on series of novels featuring recurring characters. Editing and writing screenplays. Ghostwriting. Editing of others works. Songwriter. Also, through her music publishing companies, Durden is representing works by domestic and international singer/songwriters and songwriting teams to other artists, record labels, film production companies, and advertising agencies. The Recording Academy, Georgia Music Partners, and Georgia Production Partnership. SESAC affiliate, and member of ASCAP and BMI.

Since 1992, owner of WRITER for HIRE!, managing the life cycle of words from picking to placing to producing. Since 2013, founder and CEO of technology startup Notes2Bucks LLC. Dale M. Sizemore, COO and co-founder. Member of ATDC (Advanced Technology Development Center) in Atlanta, Georgia. (From the author.)

Visit the author's website.
Follow Angela on Faebook.

Book Reviews
Let this review serve as this book's warning label. In a series of in-the-moment snapshots covering decades, Twinkle tells a larger tale of incredible and unrelenting cruelty. It also tells a larger story of an exceptionally bright little girl who survived appalling abuse to become an incredible woman. The writing proves Angela K. Durden is unbelievably talented as well. She probably did not set out to create an inspirational book, but that's what came out. Reading this will change your life.
Tom Whitfield - Amazon Customer Review

Angela Durden tells her incredible life story in the pages of Twinkle. She holds nothing back in this moving story of her far less-from-perfect childhood and proves—to all willing to read and learn—that where there is faith, there is the ability to overcome even the worst actions inflicted upon us by humanity.
Kimberly Williams - Amazon Customer Review

Angela is my hero! She survived a hidden war that most of us never see or have to endure! Her prose lands you smack in the middle and won't let go. By the last page, you will feel her pain and triumph and see the world around us with clearer eyes!
William Farmer - Amazon Customer Review

Discussion Questions
1. How effective is the author in drawing the reader into her world with descriptions of scenes, including internal thought processes? Do you find her writing style unique? If yes, in what way?

2. Think about your most memorable vignette in the book. How would you have responded or handled the situation?

3. When you first saw the book and read its description, did you feel a disconnect between the description and title/cover picture? Did that disconnect resolve itself upon reading?

4. How did Durden’s omniscient narrator’s telling of her story alter your perceptions of the scenes?

5. What is your opinion of Beloved Mother’s role in the girl’s life? Why?

6. How do you feel about the girl’s need to be remembered?

7. After you read the Afterword, did your opinion of the author change? If yes, how? Why?

8. What is your opinion about why the author wrote her story?

9. If you were to write your own life’s story, what would you hope to learn about yourself?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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