

Discussion Questions
1. How effective is the author in drawing the reader into her world with descriptions of scenes, including internal thought processes? Do you find her writing style unique? If yes, in what way?

2. Think about your most memorable vignette in the book. How would you have responded or handled the situation?

3. When you first saw the book and read its description, did you feel a disconnect between the description and title/cover picture? Did that disconnect resolve itself upon reading?

4. How did Durden’s omniscient narrator’s telling of her story alter your perceptions of the scenes?

5. What is your opinion of Beloved Mother’s role in the girl’s life? Why?

6. How do you feel about the girl’s need to be remembered?

7. After you read the Afterword, did your opinion of the author change? If yes, how? Why?

8. What is your opinion about why the author wrote her story?

9. If you were to write your own life’s story, what would you hope to learn about yourself?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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