

Use Protection:  An Employee's Guide to Advancement in the Workplace
Johanna Harris, 2013
Hire Fire and Retire, LLC
153 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781492961840

The purpose of Use Protection is to make sure you understand enough  about workplace practices and employment law so that you do not get derailed from the career track you should be on. Many of the rules that govern work in any organization, whether it is a large corporation or a two-man office are not obvious. Some may be counterintuitive. If you do not know what the rules are, they can tangle you in a knot.

You may think that the company has a human resources person who will keep you out of trouble. This is a dangerous misconception. These HR reps are not your advocates. They work for the company not for you.They appear to be acting in your interest but they are not your advocates. You must be your own advocate. You must protect yourself.

Author Bio
Birth—March 1, 1949
Where—South Orange, New Jersey, USA
Education—B.A., University of Pennsylvania; J.D., Villanova University
Currently—lives in Providence, Rhode Island

Johanna Harris, a labor lawyer, specializes in investigating employee wrongdoing. She has been a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Labor and in-house labor counsel for two multinational corporations. She is currently the CEO of Hire Fire and Retire LLC.

Apart from her extensive experience in human resources law and employee relations, Ms. Harris has served as chairman of the board, executive committee member or chairman of the governance/personnel committee of seven nonprofit organizations in the arts, education and historic preservation. (From the author.)

Book Reviews
Use Protection: An Employee’s Guide to Advancement in the Workplace isn’t your usual employee guide to office politics: it goes beyond typical HR-oriented advice to reveal the ‘hidden’ company processes and rules most general, non-union employees never know....The fact that author Johanna Harris is a labor lawyer, specializes in investigating employee wrongdoing, and that she holds extensive experience in human resources law and employee relations lends authority to advice which is not to be found in other general books on employment.Looking for strategies to assure success? Use Protection's case history examples from real-world scenarios blends with company savvy to translate all the “hidden” operations of business for any who would persevere in moving upward.
Diane Donovan - Midwest Book Reviews

See for additional customer reviews.

Discussion Questions
1.How can you prepare for most job interviews and how should you respond if an interviewer asks you an illegal question?

2.What kinds of information can an employer collect in a pre employment background check and is there anything you can do to correct negative information that may turn up in the check?

3.Why do some people sexually harass others, and is sexual harassment really about sex?

4.How can you use an annual performance review to your advantage?

5.How can you avoid being targeted for a Reduction-in-Force?

6.Is an employer required to offer flex time or flex location if you have small children?

7.Why is it crucial to have a mentor and how can you make the relationship successful?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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