

Alyssa Coooper, 2012
Melange Press
236 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781612354866

Salvation has a bit of everything—young love, Victorian charm, and vampire horror, tied together with unique literary flair.

The story begins with Alec, a young man struggling to accept the brutal loss of his parents and find his place in an unforgiving world.

As his life tumbles in a downward spiral, Alec meets Maya, a girl who seems determined to change his life. With her friendship and support, he finally begins to crawl back towards the light.

But Maya is not what she seems.

She is a vampire, born on a small farm in the nineteenth century and brought into her immortal life by a man who has played the part of guardian angel, father, and lover to her—but who is also her greatest enemy. This foe has chased her for a century and chases her still, putting her and Alec both in mortal danger.

Together, they fight for survival, for life and for love, as they each desperately seek their own salvation. (From the publisher.)