

Author Bio
Birth—May 9, 1990
Where—Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Education—Advanced Graphic Design Diploma
Currently—lives in Belleville, Ontario

Alyssa Cooper is a born wordweaver, swallowing stanzas like sustenance and leaving thumbnails of poetry everywhere she goes. She was born in Ontario, Canada, where she lives with her vintage typewriters and her personal library.

A poet and author with a passion for the literary and experimental, Alyssa writes passionately, viciously, and on any surface she can find. Her poetry has  appeared in poetry anthologies and literary magazines since early 2012, including the Revival Literary Journal and Journey to Crone by Chuffed Buff Books. After the release of her novella, Sunshine, her prose began to gain popularity as well, with short stories appearing in Emrys Journal, The Brief Grislys, and Postscripts to Darkness.

Her first novel, a century-long romp through the life of a maladjusted vampire, was released on Halloween of 2012. Salvation was released digitally and in print by Melange Books, LLC. Her second novel, an anthem for the twenty-something lost in an adolescent wasteland, is anticipated for release from Melange Books in late 2013. She is also eagerly awaiting the release of her first poetry collection, Cold Breath of Life, all the while filling her bookshelves to bursting and draining countless pens. (From the author.)

Visit the author's website.