

Alyssa Coooper, 2012
Melange Press
236 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781612354866

Salvation has a bit of everything—young love, Victorian charm, and vampire horror, tied together with unique literary flair.

The story begins with Alec, a young man struggling to accept the brutal loss of his parents and find his place in an unforgiving world.

As his life tumbles in a downward spiral, Alec meets Maya, a girl who seems determined to change his life. With her friendship and support, he finally begins to crawl back towards the light.

But Maya is not what she seems.

She is a vampire, born on a small farm in the nineteenth century and brought into her immortal life by a man who has played the part of guardian angel, father, and lover to her—but who is also her greatest enemy. This foe has chased her for a century and chases her still, putting her and Alec both in mortal danger.

Together, they fight for survival, for life and for love, as they each desperately seek their own salvation. (From the publisher.)

Author Bio
Birth—May 9, 1990
Where—Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Education—Advanced Graphic Design Diploma
Currently—lives in Belleville, Ontario

Alyssa Cooper is a born wordweaver, swallowing stanzas like sustenance and leaving thumbnails of poetry everywhere she goes. She was born in Ontario, Canada, where she lives with her vintage typewriters and her personal library.

A poet and author with a passion for the literary and experimental, Alyssa writes passionately, viciously, and on any surface she can find. Her poetry has  appeared in poetry anthologies and literary magazines since early 2012, including the Revival Literary Journal and Journey to Crone by Chuffed Buff Books. After the release of her novella, Sunshine, her prose began to gain popularity as well, with short stories appearing in Emrys Journal, The Brief Grislys, and Postscripts to Darkness.

Her first novel, a century-long romp through the life of a maladjusted vampire, was released on Halloween of 2012. Salvation was released digitally and in print by Melange Books, LLC. Her second novel, an anthem for the twenty-something lost in an adolescent wasteland, is anticipated for release from Melange Books in late 2013. She is also eagerly awaiting the release of her first poetry collection, Cold Breath of Life, all the while filling her bookshelves to bursting and draining countless pens. (From the author.)

Visit the author's website.

Book Reviews
Salvation is not your typical romance novel. We start knowing that Maya is going to die. She and Alec are together, but she’s dying. He doesn’t know how to let her go or how he will live without her. We see her death. It’s poignant, heartbreaking, and visceral... Alec is a heavily flawed character...[and] I found it hard to sympathize with [him] for a while.... Yet as things progress with Maya, we see a new side to Alec.... Maya is a vampire...[who] is killed by her maker. Merek.... Once Maya appears to die, we’re suddenly seeing her death again, but this time from her perspective. From there, we learn of Maya’s entire story.... The ending was…not happy, but it was perfect... This was a well written, haunting tale that will stick with you.
Patricia Eddy - Mystical Lit Lounge

I was sold instantly. The story follows a vampire girl named Mali. She comes into Alec's life at the perfect moment and helps him piece back together his life. They both fall for each other instantly and enjoy what little time they have together. Mali has a past, that follows her to Alec. Her creator, her past lover, and a dark secret that threatens her immortality. This story was definitely a FOUR STAR read.... I found the end a little depressing, but I honestly can not think of another way to tie this story up. It had to end the way it did.... If you love paranormal romances, this has a romance that crosses the times, filled with conflict and an undying love you can't go wrong with this book.
Kristine Schwartz - Schwartz Reviews

Discussion Questions
1. Identify Alec's character flaws in Book One; discuss which have been resolved by Book Three, and which are still existing.

2. What is the significance of Alec's dream sequence in Book One, Chapter Two?

3. Discuss the importance of Jeanne/Mali/Maya's chosen name to her identity through out the novel.

3. In Book Two, Mali is conflicted about her life as a vampire. By the time she meets Alec, she has come to terms with it. Discuss the evolution of her opinion and chose a side.

4. Consider Jeanne/Mali and Marek's relationship. Do you feel that there was ever a true connection between them, or a continuous co-dependent cycle?

5. Consider Mali's role in the deaths of the family members. Do you feel that her actions were justified?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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